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Success Story: Leading Manufacturer Increases Sales and Margins

A world-leading manufacturing technology corporation faced stiff competition from low-end and overseas competitors. Management had developed a strategic plan, but was only implementing half of it. Personal and business obstacles and internal politics were sapping the energies of the team, and distracting from the challenges at hand.

In six months, Barr Corporate Success reignited passion throughout the company. Krissi Barr worked closely with key players and taught the mindsets, tools, and productivity techniques needed to balance short and long-term priorities. The team acquired the communications, marketing, service, and leadership skills to integrate the functions of previously isolated departments, find new synergies, and drive product development.

Unbeatable service and strong customer relationships became the focus of sales and marketing teams. Guided to embrace a new paradigm of individual accountability and key performance indicators, teams rebuilt trust and cooperation, increasing employees’ job satisfaction and retention rates.

The Results

In a manufacturing environment where business was declining industry-wide, Barr Corporate Success helped drive amazing goals, amazing performance, and amazing results:

  • 19 percent increase in sales
  • 21 percent increase in gross margin
  • 15 percent increase in new orders

Doubling or tripling the business is now a realistic possibility. The company has a shared high-gain, undistracted focus on product, customers, distribution channels, volumes, profitability, and growth in a corporate culture that values team and personal growth.

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